Sunday, November 20, 2011

Build a bridge and get over it!!!!!

   This week has been an ongoing struggle for me . . .mentally and spiritually. In the process of gaining my self-esteem and independence back I picked up some sort of attitude. And i wasn't a good one i picked up an attitude that things have to go my way and if they don't i shut down. Let me be the first to say "this ain't that" as my fiancee would say that isn't the way things work out. See as Christians sometimes we forget to let go and let God, we lose patience and take things in our own hands instead of letting God work. Sometimes the plans we have have for ourselves are not the plans God has for us. Also at times all we do is ask, and ask, and ask. I make it my goal to thank God for the things I do have. I may not have a lot of material things and I sure ain't rich but I have a heart of gold and a supportive family that God has blessed me with.  Three weeks before this Friday I was sitting at a bus station in New York with my fiancee and two kids with no money and no place to stay. If that isn't a testimony what is? How did I do it, how did I get home you ask? God that's how. .I had faith that in the end he  would come through and though at times it got real hard I never doubting him and he came right on time as always and with the love and the support of Kris's family we made it home altogether safe and sound. Matthew 6:33 "Seek the kingdom of God above  all else, and live righteously, and all these things will be given to you as well"
  Written proof right there we cant take things in our own hands, we sometimes we just have to let go. Its easier said than done, I know but why stress over things we cannot control. Isaiah 33:6 says "He will be the sure Foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure" It is clear that God has everything taken care of another text which is one of my favorites proving this is Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they"? So in fact by stressing about money, relationships, family, school, and etc we are just ruining our health. Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.The best solution to every trial, struggle, and all your stress is in fact prayer. My goal for this week is to really strengthen myself spiritually with my prayer and to learn to let go and let God. For all you out there who are emotionally exhausted, and you need a change, for  all you out there who feel as if your so far, so unworthy that God cannot hear you, when you've reached your limit and life has knocked you down on your knee's remember you in the best position to pray. 

Your best weapon you could ever have is prayer
So this song goes out to all of you, its one of my favorites by Nancy Amancio: Cuando Oras (when you pray) 

(beautifully shattered)

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