Thursday, January 5, 2012

Doubts and lack of faith. . .

    In life we all have our path's that we must follow and struggles and tribulations we must overcome. The bible says in Job 36:15 "but by means of suffering, he rescues those who suffer". We all walk around life trying to find a purpose,  seeking so bad to fill a void to feel like there is meaning to our lives. Though we don't know how to find it? So we put our hope in things that aren't in God's plan for us. We try to find meaning and purpose in the wrong things, and sometimes in the wrong people. We tend to forget that God has sent us such a beautiful gift and message, a guide through life which can heal and mend all things, fix any tribulation that comes our way. We tend to take for granted the blood of his precious and only son Jesus Christ. We start everyday and become so entangles in family and work we don't even stop to take the time to thank Christ for giving his life so that we are able to have a second chance. So we are able to receive the most greatest gift that God so badly want to give each and everyone of us EVERLASTING LIFE.
   The bible says faith of a mustard seed can move mountains, then why is the world filled with so much doubt and hatred? The definition of doubt is to consider questionably or unlikely. So tell me why do we question the very works of God himself. When we hear that little voice in our spirit crying out for something more, desperate to be used why do we shrug it off as if its not important? I'll tell you why because we are nothing more than merely human, not excusing our actions. We have been hurt, we have emotions and different fears and personality's but most of all we lack faith. Not that we don't have it but we don't use it. It is our own connection to God that we sometimes don't know how to tap into. God has his own plan for each and everyone of you, he know's your heart better than you yourself.
   Isaiah 7:9 says "Unless your faith is firm, I cannot make you stand firm". There is no doubt God created us to love and worship him, and to love each other all we have to do is believe in him and have faith that everything is in his control. Faith doesn't mean sitting at home saying "I will get a job because i have faith in God", no faith is getting up early turning in application knowing and trusting that God knows what you need and he will see you through. Not for God to outstretch his hand to grab your, but for us to outstretch and grab onto his hand that he has been holding out for us, waiting for us to us our full trust in him. If you are feeling weak, and you feel there's something missing in your life your desperate to find meaning say this prayer with me, Dear Lord I ask that you come into my life, that you guide me and help me put my sinful actions behind me, I ask that you cleanse me and strengthen me to put all my burdens at your feet and have the faith Job did, I accept you as my Lord and Savior , I thank you for your precious blood that payed for the sin I have committed, come into my life Amen

I pray that these blogs are inspirational and uplift you, these messages do not come from me only from what God put in my heart to write. I pray that God blesses you and heals you and that you put your faith in him for he will never abandon or forsake you. Stayed tuned for more of my blogs

                                                  Beautifully Shattered

Monday, January 2, 2012

Let Go and Let God!!!

   Question of the day: why do we fight against what is best for us, or the people in our lifes who only want the best for us? Why do we know whats bad for us and with every breath in us hold onto it so dear when in reality letting go can be so worthwhile and rewarding?  By rewarding I mean everlasting life and the love of our God and savior who has been right there where we left him all along. We have to set a boundary and decide when enough is enough. What happen to the days when people had morals and stood for something. When did the line between right and wrong vanish? And how do we get it back? When did is become ok to accept homosexual but had adultery? When did it become alright to become our children's friends instead of setting an example? What lines do we or do we not cross?
   Time and time again we find ourselves fighting God and holding dear to the things that he himself is trying to rip us away from. Alot of people today use God for their convenience. By riding the fence and handing over to God the part of our lives that only we want to. We find ourselves trying to worship God and grow spiritually as long as we can do whatever we decide to while we are'nt in church. Handing over half of our lives and spirits to him. I wonder what it would of been like if God said here you can only have half of my son or just an arm. How can we ask such a merciful God for forgiveness and not be merciful ourselves? How can we come to God asking his forgiveness when we are not forgiving of other? How can we expect God to help us when we dont give him our all? We ask for Gods all so who are we not to give him in return. . . How can we want to lead other but our blinded by our own selfishness and pain, in that condition who can we really help without helping ourselves first?
   When people mock us and laugh at our God we are so quick to defend him only to later on put him to shame ourselves, so really who are we, Better? I think not, i look out into the world and see so much hypocrisy and  people just selling out to the important values and morals in life and its just so disgusting and horrible to see.  God is a God of order he will tear down to restore and I truly with all my heart believe in that. He is a God who does not stand down or sugar coat either your right or wrong there is no in between. When we let go and let God we will be what God has destined us to be and the blessing and all the rewards will be worth it. God bless everyone I hope this blog was an eye opener for other as it has been for me

                                               BEAUTIFULLY SHATTERED